Living Large

One life, many opportunities

Scottie’s String Theory (not to be confused with Stephen Hawking’s)

on August 7, 2014


Physics is way out of my league.  Even when I viewed the  googled “simplified string theory” descriptions, I was quickly lost in a vocabulary of “quantum” and “oscillating”.  The one description that caught my eye, though, was the “theory of everything”.  The theory of everything somewhat parallels my personal string theory.

Have you ever seen the back side of a tapestry?  Long strings, short strings, knots, loose ends, frayed strings . . . they’re all there.  To look at the back side of a tapestry, it’s hard to get a complete idea of what the picture is on the flip side.  Usually, though, tapestries are intricate works of art.  The colors and details are often exquisite.  There are patches of darkness and light, shadows and brilliance.

While the physicists’ identification of ‘string theory’ deals with the theory of everything, my string theory relates to the “theory of everybody”.  In my imagination, each person on the planet carries a string through life.  Like the threads of a tapestry, our lives intersect with people every day. There are short relationships and long relationships. Some relationships start, then stop for a while, then resume. There are relationships that are difficult–the ones that entangle us. And certainly, our most brilliant and most difficult days stand out.

I hope choose to live purposefully and authentically so that my life’s string creates places of light and beauty in the ‘tapestry’ of others.




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